Shipping Hazardous Materials: Things To Know
Aside from having the appropriate hazardous materials knowledge if you are planning to export dangerous goods, knowing how to send those items correctly is also essential for them to get there safely and in good condition.
Know the rules!
You must be aware of the regulations around the hazardous goods you want to ship and how you want to ship them. To export any hazardous goods then you must hold a valid export license.
- Hazardous materials are organised across nine classes defined by the United Nations Model Regulations where each has its own regulations attached to them that you must be aware of before starting the shipping process.
Pack it right!
To ship dangerous goods internationally, you must use fully compliant packaging that is tested, certified, and meets the UN requirements for the specific classification of goods being shipped.
With proper documentation and labeled correctly!
Not only must the materials be packaged securely and appropriately, but they must also be labeled correctly so that it is obvious what is being transported and the dangers of incorrect handling.
This is mostly done using dangerous goods labels and placards.
According to ABF, here are the following commodity that is considered dangerous/Hazardous goods:
Plastic explosives
Hazardous waste
clinical waste
waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions
waste from the production, formulation, and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, or glues/adhesives
waste resulting from surface treatment of metals and plastics
waste which contains certain compounds such as copper, zinc, cadmium, mercury, lead or asbestos
residue arising from industrial waste disposal operations
waste residue from manufacture
household waste
residue arising from the incineration of household waste
Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) include:
Carbon tetrachloride
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs).
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Methyl bromide
Methyl chloroform
Nitrogen trifluoride
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
Sulfur hexafluoride
Goods that commonly contain ODS and SGG include:
air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment (domestic and industrial)
some aerosol products
some fire extinguishers
foam blowing agents, and
insulating gas in electrical components.
Organochlorine pesticide chemicals
Polychlorinated biphenyls, terphenyls and polyphenols
It is also worth noting that according to the Australian Border Force, The Australian Government prohibits importing and exporting certain goods to and from Australia. You can import or export most prohibited goods with written permission, provided you meet certain conditions and requirements. Some goods are under absolute prohibition, where you are not allowed to import or export the goods in any circumstance.
Here is the list of items that are considered prohibited goods.
Please contact Image International Freight to discuss importing or exporting hazardous materials, we are happy to assist with further information and quotes regarding this type of cargo. Call our friendly
sales team today on +61 2 9773 1378 OR email