Your guide to importing

Do you plan to import goods?
This guide helps you understand if you're ready to import and outlines the different steps involved in the importation process. We've tried to break this down simply and easily but are on hand to answer any questions you may have in relation to importing. We are here to help, so let's dive in:
1. Start by identifying possible suppliers of the product from overseas and select your markets of supply via trade fairs specifically organised for buyers and sellers to meet.
Once you have selected a market of supply, look into potential trade partners and business contacts.
2. Next, identify if the products can be imported and if there are any restrictions or quarantine requirements. Although there is no requirement for businesses or individuals to have an overall license to import goods into Australia, you may need a permit to clear certain types of goods through customs.
In general, you will be prevented or restricted from importing dangerous chemicals, pharmaceuticals, narcotics, certain foods, weapons, tobacco, and some biological materials. If you’re importing plant, animal (including live plants and animals), mineral, or human products they will almost certainly need to be quarantined and treated for pests or other biological factors.
3. Then comes logistics, whether it is via courier, LCL or FC you're importing, we at Image International can definitely assist with import duty rates, tariff concessions, quarantine requirements and an estimate of landed costs. Contact us for a quote for shipping here.
4. Know about the tariffs and taxes you’ll need to pay!
You will almost certainly have to pay some taxes and tariffs on your imported goods.
5. Have a general idea about the charges for import duty, and goods and services sales tax
As a general guide – These charges can be influenced by what you’re bringing in, excise taxes, free trade agreements, and many other factors. Understand that import duty can be calculated in a variety of ways, but the most important duties are figured as a percentage of the declared value of the commodity. Import duty differs from product to product and is dependent on the commodity (type of goods) being imported, its declared value, its country of origin, and other factors like anti-dumping legislation and quota controls. Import duty values can be as low as zero or as high as 100% (or more) of the product’s declared value. Import duties are collected to generate revenue and protect local markets. There are several other costs you’ll also need to be prepared for such as freight handling charges levied by airports or seaports as well as insurance. Ask your Image International Sales Representative for a quote for insurance too, if required.
6. Now it’s time to place an order with your supplier. Ensure your order is confirmed in writing and that the terms and conditions of sale are clear to both parties.
7. At a minimum, imported goods must be properly labelled. This includes the country of manufacture and origin, a true description of the goods, a sender’s address, and a recipient’s address. The labels should be in English, attached to the goods in a prominent position, and be clear and easy to read. We'd suggest you have the manufacturer take photos of the finished and boxed goods and forward to you, to ensure this has been done and done correctly. 8. Once the goods arrive, examine the consignment immediately for insurance purposes. Give a ‘clean receipt’ only once you are satisfied that there is no damage or shortage of the goods imported. Planning on importing goods into Australia for your business? Book a chat with one of our team today, call us on +61 2 9773 1378 for information or for a free quote.